This Species is included in LIBRARY : AGRICULTURE
Nine (9) Models of Oats - Avena sativa are in the zip. Annual Grass
Height : 24-65 cm are included.
Origin : Mediterranean
Environment : Open fields, on well-drained soils.
Can grow even on nutritionally poor ground.
Climate : Temperate, cool. Frost resistant.
Notes :
Oats are common today as human food as they are as fodder for animals, but in the Ancient and Middle Ages they were only used to feed animals, because they were believed to be a mediocre unworthy food. Oats are really healthy food, especially because of their cholesterol-lowering properties. In Scotland Oats are highly esteemed and a part of the national diet. Oats are grown throughout the temperate zones. They have a lower summer heat requirement and greater tolerance of rain than other cereals like wheat, rye or barley.