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SPECIES : Giant Sea Fan - Annella mollis

SPECIES : Giant Sea Fan - Annella mollis









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    This Species is included in LIBRARY : RED SEA


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    Clade: Cnidaria
    Depth: -10 to -50 m.
    Distribution : Red Sea and West Pacific
    Environment : exposed reef slopes
    Climate : warm waters


    Notes :
    The Giant Sea Fan belongs to the class of the flower animals (Anthozoa) and always place their up to 2 meters large fans transverse to the sea current. Thus it can fish its food, small plancton, better out of water. This coral species is usually found in depths of down to 50 m. in the external reefs.


    Model 1 specs: 170 centimeters
    Model 2 specs: 170 centimeters
    Model 3 specs: 160 centimeters





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    SPECIES : Giant Sea Fan - Annella mollis



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