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SPECIES : African Violet - Saintpaulia ionantha

SPECIES : African Violet - Saintpaulia ionantha









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    This Species is included in LIBRARY : HOUSEPLANTS


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    Origin : Tanganyika (Africa)
    Environment : tropical, in bright shade, on moist soil
    Climate : warm and humid


    Notes :
    the African Violet is a widely popular plant. Bright, indirect light (12 hours a day) is best for optimal blooming. Direct sun in winter may keep it flowering, but summer sun will burn it. Air humidity must be constantly high.


    Model 1 specs: 16 centimeters
    Model 2 specs: 15 centimeters
    Model 3 specs: 12 centimeters





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    SPECIES : Spindles - Euonymus sp.

    SPECIES : African Violet - Saintpaulia ionantha



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